Content Management Systems
Wordpress, Hubspot, Drupal, Joomla
Catherine Weber
Marketing is constantly evolving. We have more ways to meet and influence audiences than ever before. With so many platforms and approaches, knowing which strategies work for your audience can be challenging. Through it all, storytelling has been the thread that anchors my work. My strengths are developing marketing strategy, planning and implementation, as well as directing internal and external teams to design and implement innovative programs.
I have worked with organizations across many industries including business consulting, environment, life sciences, consumer products, real estate, technology, academia, non-profit and government. I have held positions of public relations director, marketing director and senior web strategist. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Emerson College and an MA from the University of Massachusetts, Boston’s Critical and Creative Thinking Program. Download my resume.
Contact me at cweber at catherineweber dot net.